Know that your goals are critical to your success, they establish both your dream and define how you are going to get there. This applies to you whether you are a club racer or an aspiring F1 driver
When making decisions concerning your training and your career they must first be referenced against your goals
Know that to become a champion you need to start acting like one now – focus on the values and character traits of the person you need to become to achieve your goals
Study your sport and the history of your sport – motorsport has to be your passion and knowing the history of your sport will deepen that passion
Study the great drivers, what can you learn from their journey, their character and their values?
Own your involvement in your sport - whether physical, technical, tactical, equipment, or mental, you will only achieve your goals if you take full responsibility for every aspect
Seek out competition at every opportunity as a means of testing your skill, and taking that skill to a higher level
Become the fastest learner – the greats are fascinated by the process of learning about their sport, they never stop learning, growing and getting better
Become a great coach – there is an old adage that “you teach what you need to learn”
Know that ‘Grit’ is the No. 1 predictor of future success in sport – practice grittiness in your training on a daily basis
Know that every technical, mental and physical challenge that you have will have its solution in your training
Don’t play it safe embrace errors and mistakes, they can be your greatest teacher
Know what you control, what you can influence and what is outside of your control. Only focus on those things you control and influence and let go of the rest
Be disciplined, don’t risk your career on the need to be motivated before you do anything
Act with self-belief, even in times when you don’t believe it 100% (until it becomes a habit) - fake it until you make it!
Be aware of being on autopilot in everyday life – be present and make conscious decisions about your life, training and career
Recognize that the best version of yourself should be your vision, not anybody else’s
Be organised – plan your training and your life on a daily and weekly basis.
Spend more of your time on the things that really matter, not the things you like doing
Be humble - you will meet the same people on the way down as you met on the way up
Treat every threat as a challenge, this creates confidence, determination, intensity, and excitement
Remember results don’t come quickly or easily or necessarily when you want them to, you must adopt a long-term attitude towards your development
Discipline your mind through mindfulness training, it will take commitment, patience, and perseverance
Recognise that risk is essential to performing at your best and finding success… if you aren’t taking risks, you aren’t performing the best you can
Be intrigued and fascinated with the process of learning about your Method
Commit to learning about and refining how you reach and maintain your Peak Performance State
Results matter, but to get them, ignore them… the bottom line is that if you focus on the process the results will come
Practice discomfort in your life and in your training – this is the playing field that you have chosen to perform on
Know that every war is fought and lost in the mind. You are your greatest friend and your greatest enemy. Use this knowledge every day to your advantage
Be aware of how you behave in training when no one is watching you
Never give up… when you give up you automatically lose and you make it easier to give up the next time
Undertaking exhaustive reviews and detailed planning are the foundations of your next result
Roll with the ups and downs of life gracefully, without getting frustrated, angry, or discouraged; use turbulent times as motivation to take yourself to the next level
Be mindful of what you think about yourself and say to yourself – remember that your conscious mind is the guardian to the gates of your unconscious - what are you storing up for yourself?
Know your ‘Default Task’ and condition your response at the crossroads of choice to focus on it 100% when under pressure
Recognise that everyone on your grid is at different levels of skill and experience, all you can do is get 100% out of ‘your’ individual gifts
Do something difficult every day
Know that the road to greatness is a road less travelled because most people turn back too soon
Practice adaptability - different cars, different tracks, different handling, different setup – the broader your skill base the more difficult it will be for winds of pressure to blow you over
Believe in your training programme and the progress you are making , it gives you the confidence to accept being with your current skill level, your performance today… knowing that you will be a very different person in a couple of months’ time
Train to perform “better” under pressure. Extreme pressure increases focus especially when it matters most… the more pressure the more in the moment you are
Develop self-awareness, know your strengths and weaknesses (technically, mentally and physically) and crucially understand what you need to do to perform well
Have a strong work ethic - know that hard work staves off self-doubt and lack of action and that only perfect practice makes perfect
Be grateful for all of the opportunities your sport has given you and is giving to you
Know that you can predict your future if you stay mindfully aware that every decision you make creates your future
When you are under pressure and all else fails be ruthless with yourself!
Never make excuses, take responsibility for everything that happens in your life – remember you have created current situations by choices you have made in the past.
Develop the character, intelligence, determination and passion to inspire your team to greatness.
Train to be amazing in qualifying, the greats are always able to find that little bit of magic when it matters most
Know that change is the only certainty in our sport, weather, track conditions, the car’s handling, etc., the greats expect and embrace change and easily adapt to changing conditions and situations.
Learn how to rest and recover so that you turn up to race meetings with an excess of energy