This can be quite a challenge as one of the characteristics of flow is that you don’t always know you are in it until it is over. But on reflection when it is over, or occasionally when you notice it whilst it is happening you may recognise some of the following:
Familiar to all sports:
You feel time is distorted - Time may seem to slow down or speed up for you when you experience flow. You may perceive events unfolding in slow motion, allowing you to anticipate and react to them more effectively. This altered sense of time can enhance decision-making and performance under pressure. In a deep flow-state, one’s normal perception of time is on hold. Time can either feel condensed - two hours feel like ten minutes, or expanded - seconds feel like minutes. That is why the flow-mode is called ‘timeless’.
You lose self-consciousness – You become less concerned with how you are perceived by others. There is a loss of self-consciousness, allowing for a more authentic and uninhibited performance.
You experience heightened levels of performance: You perform at your peak level, achieving a state of optimal performance for you. Your skills and abilities are fully engaged, and you may even exceed your own expectations of what you're capable of achieving.
Your performance is effortless – You experience a sense of effortlessness and fluidity in your actions. Tasks that usually require effort, trying and concentration seem to unfold naturally. Movements and actions unfold smoothly and naturally. You are able to execute skills with precision and accuracy, without conscious effort or hesitation.
You have a feeling of control – You feel a sense of control over your actions and the outcome of the task. You are confident in your abilities and feel capable of meeting the challenges presented by the activity, without being overwhelmed or anxious about the outcome. It is a state of security and relaxation with the complete absence of worry: the paradox known in Zen Buddhism as ‘control without controlling’.
You feel more intuitive – In flow your intuition is heightened and you trust your instincts and make split-second decisions whilst maintaining a seamless flow of action without interruptions. Intuition is thought to be rooted in the subconscious mind, which contains a vast repository of knowledge, experiences, and patterns that may not be readily accessible to conscious awareness.
You have a sense of wholeness and unity - You experience a sense of wholeness and unity between your actions, thoughts, and feelings. There is a seamless integration between your mind and body, with a sense of harmony and alignment in your overall experience of the task.
You have a heightened sense of enjoyment - Flow is associated with a range of positive emotions, including joy, happiness, excitement, and contentment. These positive emotions arise from the sense of accomplishment, mastery, and engagement experienced during flow, contributing to an overall feeling of enjoyment and well-being.
As a racing driver:
You switch from driving to observing – Due to automaticity, you have more spare mental capacity and your focus switches from the process/mechanics of driving you find yourself observing your process of driving without any conscious involvement or interference.
Time comes to you – You are no longer try to drive quickly, time starts coming to you.
The track unfolds in front of you – You are completely present for what is happening.
Your reactions are faster - They are not filtered by your thinking mind
You make less mistakes – You either stop making mistakes or they are drastically reduced.
You exert less physical effort – Skill is delivered through a relaxed body.
You are fast!