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1.      Study Flow – Become the world’s leading expert on what constitutes automaticity and flow… and what are ‘your’ unique pre-requisites that trigger flow.

2.      Have the most powerful Long Term goal – Your ‘lighthouse’ and your ‘why’ must surpass that of your competitors, this will drive everything you do.

3.      Know how high the performance bar is to achieve your goal – Ensure that every aspect of your preparation and training is focused on exceeding that bar.

4.      Know what it is that you love about your sport – Intrinsic enjoyment triggers flow, just like when you were a child.

5.      Make sure your training includes ample opportunities to experience Rhythm based flow – Plan longer training Drills.

6.      Make sure your training includes ample opportunities to experience Intensity based flow – High intensity qualifying sessions need to be a central part of your everyday training.

7.      Train to become highly skilled with a high degree of automaticity:

  • Be fascinated with developing a world class B Game

  • Develop world class peripheral, entry and exit vision, always know the exact apex and exit points in each corner.

  • Become the fastest learner by engaging in carefully planned, deliberate practice based.

  • Always train at the same level of intensity that you compete at.

  • Always include lots of adaptability, novelty, complexity and unpredictability in your training to stretch your skill.

  • Focus on consistency drills in training as high levels of lap-time consistency naturally lead to automaticity.

  • Regularly programme counting drills into your simulator training to force automaticity.

8.      Ensure that your body 100% supports your mind – Train for high levels of fitness, strength, balance, reactions and coordination and ensure high levels of nutrition, hydration and recovery.

9.      Ensure that whatever you do in training and competition the challenge matches your skill level (the challenge/skills balance):

  • Plan your training sessions carefully (especially your pressure drills) so that the level of challenge is as close a match to your current capabilities and skill level or slightly above (5%). 

  • When taking part in qualifying, races or any competitions, always set your outcome goal appropriately so that it matches or slightly exceeds your current competence and skill level.

10.   Having a superior ability to focus on the task in hand, in the present moment:

  • Become an expert in mindfulness and commit to a world class mindfulness training programme.

  • Become world class in your ability to visualise both driving and desired outcomes.

  • Know your unbreakable Default Task.

  • Make a serious commitment to eliminating distractions in your every-day life.

11.   Develop a world class physical and in-car pre-performance routine.  Your brain needs to know when it's time to shift focus and intensity to the unique demands of competition and high level performance.

12.   Develop high levels of self-belief and low levels of doubt:

  • Know your strengths… and build on them daily.

  • Constantly set yourself daily/weekly performance goals in training and achieve them.  Self-belief is the product of setting yourself performance goals that are just outside of your current skill/ability level and then achieving them.

  • Use affirmations to challenge limiting beliefs.

  • Use mantras to focus your attention in the moment before or during competition.

13.   Become the world’s leading expert on Performance State:

  • Know your tendency, are you generally under or over aroused… know how to raise and lower your arousal levels.

  • Always set your peak state before driving whether in the sim or at the track.

  • Ensure that awareness of your peak state is at the forefront of your mind whilst driving and always assess yourself on your Driver assessment Form after each run.

14.   Be the best in the world at shifting your mindset from threat to challenge –  Train residence and discomfort so that you literally thrive in high pressure situations. 

15.   Having a fundamental commitment to risk and danger in high consequence situations -  Don’t ever hide from competition or protect yourself.

16.   Journal every day – Be an expert on ‘you achieving flow’, what do you do well and what you need to improve.

17.   Consider scoring the following to your Driver Assessment:

  • Conscious thoughts / Automaticity / Time distortion / How hard was the session / Did you feel skillful enough.


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