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Living with a sense of purpose (your goals) and a core set of values helps you take on a clear self-identity – this is effectively the picture of the person you want to become and are becoming – your character. Knowing who you are and what you stand for may seem quite unrelated to driving a racing car, but it is important to remember that on a day-to-day basis you carry your values and self-identity into everyday life, your training and into competition.

Where things go wrong is where a driver’s values are incongruent with the goal they have set themselves. If you want to be an F1 World Champion and you lack the work ethic, beliefs and character of a F1 World Champion then you will not reach your goal... this is a fact.

By identifying your core values and aligning them with your goals, you can then proceed to align those values with how you act, how you train and how you work, on an hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis. The more you align your values with your goals the more effective your training will become and the faster you will become the person you need to be and the faster you will achieve your goals.

The following are some ideas to help you establish a core set of values:

1. Make a list of drivers, teams, and other sports people you know of who embody some of the qualities and characteristics you admire (but don’t necessarily embody at the moment) and would like to replicate. Focus less on their results and more on their daily behaviours that exemplify their principles.

  • Make a list of these qualities and characteristics.

  • Aim for about 5 - 10 people.

  • Example behaviours could include: Work ethic / Resilience / Dedication / Honesty and integrity / Trustworthy / Gritty / A fighter / Never gives up / Organised / Fast learner / Focused

2. Once you have your list, start to write down how you would define each of these qualities and characteristics in your own words – by using your own words they will connect deeper with your unconscious.

3. Condense the list down to your 8 core values.

4. Create a picture of yourself on the podium holding your championship trophy – around the edge of that picture print in bold your core values that are going to take you there.

5. Stick this picture on the back of your bedroom door.

This process takes time; don’t rush it. You may want to ask other people in your support group, coach, manager, team manager, parents, etc., to rank you on your core values – this will require a level of vulnerability that you may not have been open to before. Keep in mind that greatness does not come from isolation; most exceptional achievements require a full team of supporters to help guide you towards your goal.


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